Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola

Mestrado e Doutorado em Engenharia Agrícola

Biblioteca Setorial


A Biblioteca da UNIOESTE está ligada à rede mundial de computadores, dispõe de acervo com 53.825 volumes, sendo que nas áreas de Engenharias e Ciências Agrárias dispõe de 23.838 títulos/obra de livros, 1053 títulos de periódicos, com 16.053 exemplares. 

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Em 2007 o PGEAGRI aprovou um projeto de infra-estrutura na Fundação de Apoio e Fomento à Pesquisa do Paraná (Fundação Araucária) para aquisição de livros nacionais e principalmente internacionais. Os títulos dessas publicações adquiridas que compõe a respectiva biblioteca setorial encontram-se a seguir. 


1. A Basic Introduction to Pollutant Fate and Transport: An Integrated Approach with Chemistry, Modeling, Risk Assessment, and Environmental Legislation      Frank M. Dunnivant and Elliot Anders Jan 30, 2006
2. A Practical Guide to Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling by Karlheinz Spitz and Joanna Moreno (Hardcover - Mar 1996)
3. Adubação Fosfatada no Brasil Edson Lobato et al Embrapa 1982
4. Adubos e adubações E. Malavolta, F. Pimentel-Gomes e J. C. Alcarde  Nobel 2004
5. Advances in microbial control of insect pests                Upadhyay, R. K., ed.  .  [s.l.]: Plenum Press         Plenum Press    2003
6. Agricultura sustentável           Ana Primavesi   Nobel   2007
7. Agricultural Nonpoint Source Pollution: Watershed Management and Hydrology      William F. Ritter and Adel Shirmohammadi; 2000
8. Agroecologia: Princ. e técn. p/uma agric. Orgânica     Adriana Maria do Aquino, Alberto Feiden, Avílio Antônio Franco, Embrapa 2005
Alelopatia: princípios básicos e aspectos gerais Adolfo Henrique Muller e outros.  Embrapa 2002
10. Análise de Series Temporais               Morettin, P.AS.; Toloi, C.M         Edgard Blücher 2006
11. Análise de sobrevivência Aplicada   Colosimo E. A. ; Giolo, S. R.         Edgard Blücher 2005
Animal Agriculture and the Environment                                            
Basic Linear Geoestatistic. Autor Margaret Armstrong; Ed. springer
14. Biogas from waste and renewable resources an introduction            DEUBLEIN, Dieter; STEINHAUSER, Angelika        JOHN WILEY   2008
15. Biologia Molecular da Célula -  4ª edição 1463 p.        Alberts, B            Artmed                2004
16. Bioquímica, 5a edição            Stryer, L, Berg, J M & Tymoczko, J L.       Guanabara Koogan        2004
17. Biotechnology  -   Vol 11a - Environmental processes I - Wastewater treatment- Second edition      H. J. Rehm and G. Reed       18. Biotechnology  - Vol 11b - Environmental processes II - Soil decontamination            H. J. Rehm and G. Reed               
19. Biotechnology  - Vol 11c - Environmental processes III - Solid waste and waste gas treatment, drinking water preparation       H. J. Rehm and G. Reed                               
20. Biotecnologia Industrial: Processos Fermentativos e Enzimáticos - vol. 3      Lima, U A; Aquarone, E; Borzani, W & Schimidell, W.   Edgard Blücher Ltda       
21. Biotreatment of Agricultural Wastewater    Mark E. Huntley                              1989
22. Borror and DeLong's: Introduction to the Study of Insects   Norman F. Johnson, Charles A. Triplehorn Brooks Cole 2004
23. Case studies in spatial point process modeling.         A. Baddeley; P. Gregori; J. Mateu and D. Stoyan Springer           2006
24. Color Atlas of Postharvest Quality of Fruits and Vegetables; Maria C. N. Nunes;  Blackwell Publishing 2008. 25. Comunicação e Tecn. Cadeia Produtiva da Soja em MT         Embrapa - Cerrados       Embrapa             
26. Conservation biological control         BARBOSA, P.     Academic Press               1998
27. Controle Biológico no Brasil.               PARRA, J.R.P., BOTELHO, P.S.M., CORREÊA-FERREIRA, B.S & BENTO, J.M.                Manole                2002
28. Controle Estatístico de Qualidade    COSTA, A.F.B,; EPPRESCHT, E.K.; CARPINETTI, L.C.R.      Atlas 2004
29. The Reuse and Recycling of Contaminated Soil          Stephen M. Testa                           Jun, 1999                                    
30. Ecofisiologia de cultivos anuais          Paulo R. C. Castro e Ricardo A. Kluge      Nobel   1999
31. Econometria de Séries Temporais    Rodrigo De Losso Da Silveira Bueno  Cencage Learning 2008
32. Elementos de Amostragem                Bolfarine H. e Bussab, W. O.      Edgard Blücher 2005
33. Entomology and Pest Management (5th Edition)     Larry P. Pedigo, Marlin E. Rice   Prentice Hall 2005
34. Entomopathogenic bacteria: from laboratory to field application.    Charles, J. F.; Delecluse, A.; Le Roux, C. N., eds.  [s.l.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers      Kluwer Academic Publishers      2000
35. Entomopathogenic Nematology       Gaugler, R.         CAB International           2002
36. Environmental Hydraulics & Sustainable Water Management - 2 Volume Set + CDROM by J.H.W. Lee (Hardcover - Dec 15, 2004)
37. Environmental Hydrology, Second Edition   Andrew D. Ward                             Dec. 18, 2003
38. Environmental Soil Chemistry            Donald Sparks   Academic Press               2002
39. Equipamentos Industriais de Processo          Macintyre, Archibald Joseph     LTC         
40. Estatística Aplicada a Engenharia      Montgomery,D.C; Runger, G.C.; Hubele, N.F.   LTC         2004
41. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate Pathology: Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and Other Invertebrate Pests   LACEY L. A. & KAYA H. (eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers         Kluwer Academic Publishers                 2000
42. Fisiologia vegetal (Trad. SANTARÉM E.R. et al.).        TAIZ, L.; ZIEGLER, E.        Artmed                2004
43. Flow and Transport in Fractured Porous Media by Peter Dietrich, Rainer Helmig, Martin Sauter, and Heinz Hötzl (Hardcover - April 19, 2005).
44. Food and Agricultural Wastewater Utilization and Treatment            Sean X. Liu                         2007
45. Frutas y hortalizas mínimamente processadas y refrigeradas             robert c. wiley                  Robert C. Wiley                1997
46. Fundamentos de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas MIRANDA, J.I. Embrapa 2005
47. Genes VII    Lewin, B              Artmed                2001
48. Geoenvironmental Engineering: Contaminated Soils, Pollutant Fate, and Mitigation by Raymond N. Yong (Hardcover - Sep 25, 2000)
49. Geoestatístics for Natural. Autor Goovaerts. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997. 483p.
50. Handbook of Environmental Analysis : Chemical Pollutants in Air, Water, Soil, and Solid Wastes        Pradyot Patnaik                Mar 24, 1997
51. Handbook of Hydraulics         Ernest F. Brater, Horace W. King, James E. Lindell, and C. Y. Wei             Mar 1, 1996
52. Handbook of Postharvest Technology: Cereals, Fruits, Vegetables, Tea, and Spices Amalendu Chakraverty, Arun S. Mujumdar, Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy   Marcel Decker  2003
53. Handbook of Processes and Modeling in the Soil-Plant System         Dinesh K. Benbi and Rolf Nieder             Oct, 2003
54. Handbook of Wastewater Reclamation and Reuse;  Donald R. Rowe, Isam Mohammed Abdel-Magid; Lewis Publishers 1995
55. Hydraulics of Pipelines: Pumps, Valves, Cavitation, Transients           J. Paul Tullis                       Feb 21, 1989
56. Insect-Fungal Associations  Fernando E Vega and Meredith Blackwell           Oxford Unversity 2005
57. Integrated Environmental Modeling : Pollutant Transport, Fate, and Risk in the Environment           Anu Ramaswami, Jana B. Milford, and Mitchell J. Small                               April 22, 2005
58. Internal Combustion Engines. Autor: Ferguson, Colin R; Kirkpatrick, A. Editora: IE-Wiley  ISBN: 0471356174.
59. Interpolation of Spatial Data. Some Theory for Kriging           Stein     Springer              1999
60. Introdução ao Controle Estatístico da Qualidade       Mongomery, D.C.           LTC         2004
61. Introduction to Geostatistics aplication in hidrogeology.       P.K Kitanidis       Cambridge University  Press      1997
62. Manual de Biossegurança, 1ª edição              Hirata, M H & Mancini Filho, J    Manole                2002
63. Metals in the Environment: Analysis by Biodiversity (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment) by PRASAD (Hardcover - Jul 27, 2001)
64. Microbial biopesticides: advances in biopesticide research.                Koul, Opeder; Dhaliwal, G. S.; Wood, J. O.  Taylor & Francis  2003
65. Microbiologia (8ª edição)     Gerard J. TORTORA, Berdell R FUNKE, Christine L. CASE               Artmed                2005
66. Microbiologia de Brock. 16ª edição  Madigan, Martinko & Parker     Pearson-Prentice Hall 2004
67. Microbiologia: Fundamentos e Perspectivas              Jacquelyn G. BLACK       Guanabara Koogan  2002
68. Migration Processes in the Soil and Groundwater Zone by Ludwig Luckner (Hardcover - Aug 23, 1991)
69. Model-based Geostatistics  Diggle P,J; Ribeiro Jr, P.J.             Springer              2007
70. Modeling Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics for Soil Management by M.J. Shaffer (Hardcover - May 7, 2001)
71. Modelling and Applications of Transport Phenomena in Porous Media (Theory and Applications of Transport in Porous Media) by J. Bear and J.M. Buchlin (Hardcover)
72. Modelling Chemical Transport in Soils : Natural and Applied Contaminants by Hossein Ghadiri and Calvin Rose (Hardcover - Nov 30, 1992).
73. Molecular cloning: a laboratory manual, 3nd ed. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press, Cold Spring Harbor, N.Y., vol. 1, 2 and 3.   Sambrook, J.  and Russell, D.                     2001
74. Molecular cloning: A laboratory manual. Cold Spring Harbor (USA) - Vols. 1, 2 e 3     Sambrook, J.; Fritsch, E.F.; Maniatis, T.                 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press      1989
75. Nonpoint Source Pollution Regulation: Issues and Analysis (Economics, Energy and Environment)  Cesare Dosi and Theodore Tomasi       Kluwer Academic Publishers 1994
76. Optimal Control of Soil Venting: Mathematical Modeling and Applications (International Series of Numerical Mathematics) by M. Slodicka, H.H. Gerke, U. Hornung, and Y. Kelanemer (Hardcover - Feb 1, 1999)
77. Phosphorus Loss From Soil To Water              H. TUNNEY         CAB International           1997
78. Preharvest and Postharvest Food Safety     Pillai, Suresh D. ; Murano, Elsa A. ; Beier, Ross C. ; Phillips, Timothy D. ; Ziprin, Ricahrd L. ; Clarke, Neville P. (AFT)          Blackwell Pub    
79. Principles of insect pathology            Boucias, D. G.  ; Pendland, J., Kluwer Academic Publishers         Kluwer Academic Publishers          1998
80. Princípos de Bioquímica - 3ª edição Nelson, D L & Cox, M M. Lenhinger        Sarvier 2002
81. Quality control and production of biological control agents: theory and testing.        Van Lenteren, J.C., ed.; Lenteren, J. C.            Cabi Publishing 2003
82. Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, LILLESAND, T. M.; KIEFER, R. W.  John Wiley & Sons 2000
83. Remote Sensing of the Environment  Na Earth Resource Perspective. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, JENSEN, J. R. 2000. 544p.
84. Resfriamento de frutas e hortaliças                jean-paul gayet e outros             embrapa             2002
85. Reúso da Água          Dirceu D'Alkmin Telles  Edgard Blucher                 
86. Scaling Methods In Soil Physics         PACHEPSKY, Yakov         CRC Press           
87. Sediments: Chemistry and Toxicity of In-Place Pollutants by Renato Baudo (Hardcover - Aug 27, 1990)
88. Sistemas de gestión de la calidad em la industria alimentaria - guìa para iso 9001/2  boltron, andrew BOLTON, A.     2001
89. Soil In The Environment        Daniel Hillel        Academic Press               2008
90. Soil-Water-Solute Process Characterization: An Integrated Approach by Javier Alvarez-Benedi and Rafael Munoz-Carpena (Hardcover - Dec 28, 2004)
91. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. Autor: Duffie, John A; Beckman, William A. Editora: John Wiley Professional  ISBN 0471510564
92. Spatial Statistics        B.D. Ripley          John Wiley & Sons          2004
93. Statical Inference and Simulation-based inference for spatial point processes          J. Moller Springer 2002
94. Statistical Methods for Spatial Data Analysis Schabenberger, O. ; Gotway, C.A.         Chapman & Hall 2005
95. Statistics for Spatial Data (revised edition); Noel A. C. Cressie ; John Wiley & Sons 1993
96. Storage of Cereal Grains and Their Products               David B. Saucer                Amer Assn of Cereal Chemists  1992
97. Tecnologias de Produção de Soja Embrapa_Soja Embrapa 2005
98. The insects. Structure and Function. 4a. ed.               CHAPMAN, R.F.               Cambridge University Press 1998
99. Microbials in Insect Pest management; S. Ignacimuthu, A. Sen; Science Publishers 2001
100. VT-DCTV: Colheita de Soja com Qualidade Embrapa-Soja Embrapa              
101. VT-DCTV: Cultivo Protegido de Hortaliças  Embrapa-Hortaliças Embrapa 2003
102. VT-DCTV: MIP Grãos-Manejo int. de pragas de grãos Embrapa-Hortaliças Embrapa
103.VT-DCTV: Tecnologias p/produção de semente de soja.  Embrapa-Soja Embrapa   
104. 500 Perg / 500 Resp: Sist. Plantio Direto Augusto César Pereira Goulart e outros Embrapa
105. Princípos de Bioquímica - 4ª edição Nelson, D L & Cox, M M. Lenhinger   Sarvier 2006 
106. Bioquímica-6ª Edição; Jeremy M. Berg, John L. Tymoczko, Lubert Stryer; Guanabara Koogan 2008
107. Groundwater hydraulics and Pollutant Transport; Randall J. Carbeneau; Waveland Press 2006
108. Field Manual of Techniques in Invertebrate  Pathology, 2nd Edition: Application and Evaluation of Pathogens for Control of Insects and Other Invertebrate Pests;  LACEY L. A. & KAYA H. (eds.); Springer 2007
109. Análise de Dados Categorizados; Carlos D. Paulino e Júlio M. Singer; Edgard Blücher, 2006 
110. Geostatistics for Natural Resources Evaluation ; Pierre Goovaerts ; Oxford University Press, 1997
111. Importância da Adubação na Qualidade dos Produtos Agrícolas; Marco E. de Sá, Saltier Buzzeti; São Paulo: Ícone 1994
112. Introdução ao Controle Estatístico de Qualidade; José Carlos Derisio; 3ª Edição; São Paulo, Signus Editora 2007. 
113. Elementos de Interpretação Fotográfica; Luciano F. Watzlawick, Emerson R. Schoeninger, Flávio F. Kirchner; Editora Unicentro 2007.
114. Microbial Biopesticides; Opender Koul, GS Daliwal; Taylor & Francis 2002
115. Soybean - Molecular Aspects of Breeding; Editado por Aleksandra Sudaric; Rijeka, InTech, 2011

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