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Master's in Education - Francisco Beltrão

Master's in Education - Francisco Beltrão


Concentration Area: EDUCATION

Characterization: Education is understood as a social phenomenon, produced under certain historical conditions, and is expressed in school and non-school forms. Thus, the understanding of cultural practices and educational processes is fundamental to know and understand the interrelationships between Society and Education.

Research Line


SYLLABUS: The Research Line investigates the interrelationships between culture and education, teacher training, formal and non-formal educational processes, in their theoretical-practical, socio-political and pedagogical dimensions.

Characterization: The cultural and social diversities that permeate the educational spaces and highlight the particularities of the subjects involved - children, youth, men, women, blacks, indigenous, rural and city dwellers, the poor, etc. -In this way, they pose themselves as challenges to the formation of teachers and, at the same time, they question the need for research that takes into account the particularities of these subjects. Through different articulations in the area of social space and language, the educational processes mediate between the individual and the culture, contributing to the human formation. The ways in which the different processes and policies of teacher education are processed and interpenetrated directly interfere in the educational proposals and practices that are developed in the school spaces or not. Therefore, understanding education as a special way for humans to appropriate culture, while producing and modifying it, we value the study of different cultural forms present in knowledge, research, teaching and educational practices, and the development of research involving the analysis and formulation of proposals and practices in the field of teacher education policies. Among the themes that compose the line, the following stand out: memory and identity; childhood and youth; social movements; teaching and learning of school contents; languages; processes and policies of initial and continuing training of teachers of basic and higher education.


SYLLABUS: The Research Line promotes research, studies and debates on the relations between Society, Knowledge and Education, based on the historical, philosophical, sociological, political and pedagogical foundations of education.

Characterization: The society is the set of concrete social relations that are constituted throughout history. The elements that are part of concrete social relations and unite individuals in a given society can be of a cultural, political, economic, linguistic, institutional and moral nature. Understanding this set of relations allows us to perceive forms of organization and social practice in different times and spaces, made possible by historical, economic, cultural, political, geographical or educational factors. In turn, knowledge is characterized as a conceptual and evaluative expression of social practice. The research on the knowledge process makes it possible to explain the different ways found by society to develop. In this relationship, both formal and non-formal education are socially and historically constructed. The research on social relations makes it possible to unveil the contradictions to think and develop emancipatory educational practices. Among the research topics we highlight: the history and historiography of education; epistemology of pedagogy; currents of pedagogical and philosophical thoughts; transformations in the productive sphere, having work as an educational principle; educational policies; forms of financing and management of educational systems; curriculum policies and practices; social movements and education in the field.



The Western Paraná State University - UNIOESTE - is a multi-campus Higher Education Institution, with its headquarters at Cascavel Campus. Born from the junction of four isolated colleges maintained by municipal foundations located in Cascavel, Toledo, Foz do Iguaçu and Marechal Cândido Rondon, UNIOESTE incorporated, in 1999, the Campus of Francisco Beltrão, also originated by a Municipal Foundation (FACIBEL). The Campus of Francisco Beltrão is the only one located in the Southwest region of the State. It serves the 42 municipalities that constitute the region and several municipalities in the west of Santa Catarina, benefiting a population of approximately 700 thousand inhabitants, according to the 2010 census. Both the Western region and the Southwest are of recent colonization; they were effectively occupied, from 1940, by settlers from the North of Paraná and by settlers of Italian, German, Polish origin, among others, coming from the North of Rio Grande do Sul and West of Santa Catarina.

The Graduate Program in Education - Masters integrates the movement of institutional consolidation of UNIOESTE, the only state institution of higher education (IEES, in Portuguese) in the region. UNIOESTE pursues, since its recognition as a university (Ministerial Ordinance 1784-A, December 23, 1994), its affirmation in the state and national scientific-technological scenario, through the constant improvement of the political, administrative, pedagogical and academic means to reach and carry out its core activities.

As foreseen in the Institutional Pedagogical Political Project (IPPP) of UNIOESTE "[...] the verticalization of education is one of the priority goals of the institution. The graduate courses stricto sensu are essential in the pursuit of academic excellence" (2007, p. 22). The goal is to provide professionals from the most diverse areas, installed in the region of coverage of the institution, qualified offer of academic and professional training at higher levels, with the intention of generating scientific and technological contributions to regional development. The Graduate Program in Education - Masters is part of this process of expansion and consolidation of the institution in the region.

In addition to the institutional effort, the proposal is the result of the effort and determination of the group of teachers of the courses allocated to the area of Education, of the Campus, in order to expand its actions, towards the verticality based on academic quality and the consolidation of research in the area of education. As for the institutional structure, the Graduate Program in Education - Masters, is linked to the Center for Human Sciences (CCH, in Portuguese), which brings together the undergraduate courses in Pedagogy, Geography and the Master in Geography and specialization courses lato sensu, which are periodically offered on campus. We understand that, with the Graduate Program in Education - Masters, the CCH enhances its formative capacity and contemplates its institutional importance, since it is the only pedagogical-administrative instance that offers opportunities for graduate stricto sensu in the areas of its courses (Geography and Pedagogy). Thus, the CCH strengthens its institutional attributions and can concentrate efforts, stimulate discussions and aggregate teachers from primary and higher education of various areas of knowledge around concrete and qualified proposals for continuing education and production of research in the educational area.

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