The professional formed by PPGECEM will have the opportunity to build a broad performance profile, considering the articulation of the proposal. In that regard, it can, in general lines, act on the following fronts:
Research in Science Education and/or Mathematical Education.
Scientific, social and politicians debates concerning the direction of Science Education and Mathematical Education.
Constitution of scientific societies affected by Science Education and Mathematic.
Academic advisory and consultancy with by scientific societies, which may be related.
Expansion or creation of research groups with high capacity for reflection and academic production.
Formation of human resources, from basic to higher level, capable of understanding, assuming and producing critical reflections regarding Science Education and Mathematical Education.
Dissemination of knowledge produced at the levels of education in which to operate.
Improvement of national education indexes, mainly in the areas affected by this program.
Improvement of the processes and resulted of Science Education and Mathematical Education at different levels of education.
General Objectives
Train researchers committed to science advancement with regard to Science Education and Mathematical Education.
Specific Objectives
- Socialize the knowledge produced, in the scope of researchers, to Basic Education;
- Fill gaps regarding the teaching and learning processes of Science and Mathematics, through frontier research;
- Offer formation philosophical-epistemological on pertinent questions to the areas and its sub-areas;
- Expand and consolidate the most consistent results ever achieved through existing research groups;
- Meet the high demand for strict sense formation;
- Enable Higher Education and of Basic Education to advanced research and practice;
- Create research cores of regional, national and international reference.
*Reach Line
Science Education
It Investigate the different processes concerning the teaching and the learning of Sciences, in formal and non-formal spaces based on their philosophical-epistemological foundations. With Regard to teaching, it investigate from the science teachers of formation, in different perspectives, to teaching practices in different contexts. In relation to learning, it investigate the subject’s cognitive processes, whether these are integrated with formal education, such as teacher and students, or not.
Reach Line
Mathematical Education
It Investigate the different processes concerning the teaching and the learning of Mathematic, from based on their philosophical-epistemological foundations Mathematical Education. With Regard to teaching, it investigate from the mathematic teachers of formation, in different perspectives, to teaching practices in different contexts. . In relation to learning, it investigate the subject’s cognitive processes, whether these are integrated with formal education, such as teacher and students, or not.
*Permanent Teachers
Teacher |
Tritation (Level) |
IES of Tritation |
Clélia Maria Ignatius Nogueira |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP |
Clodis Boscarioli |
Doctor |
Universidade de São Paulo - USP |
Dartel Ferrari de Lima |
Doctor |
Faculdade de Medicina da Univ. de São Paulo – FMUSP |
Dulce Maria Strieder |
Doctor |
Universidade de São Paulo – USP |
Fernanda Aparecida Meglhioratti |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP |
Lourdes Aparecida Della Justina |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP |
Márcia Borin da Cunha |
Doctor |
Universidade de São Paulo – USP |
Rodolfo Eduardo Vertuan |
Doutor |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL |
Rosana Franzen Leite |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual de Maringá - UEM |
Tiago Emanuel Klüber |
Doctor |
Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – UFSC |
Veridiana Rezende |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual de Maringá – UEM |
Vilmar Malacarne |
Doctor |
Universidade de São Paulo – USP |
Collaboration TEACHERS
Teachers |
Tritation (Nível) |
IES of Tritation |
Andréia Butner Ciani |
Doctor |
Universidade Estadual de Londrina - UEL |
Dulcyene Maria Ribeiro |
Doctor |
Universidade de São Paulo- USP |
João Fernando Christofoletti |
Doctor |
Universidade de Londres |
Marco Antonio Batista Carvalho |
Doctor |
Universidade Federal da Bahia- UFBA |
*Group of subjects
Credits |
Worload |
Knowledge Theory (Line I e II) – M/D |
3 |
45h |
Epistemology of Science Education (Line I) – M/D |
3 |
45h |
Epistemology of Mathematical Education (Line II) – M/D |
3 |
45h |
Reshearch in Science Education and Mathematical Education (Line I e II) – M/D |
4 |
60h |
Dissertation Seminars on Science Education (Line I) – M |
4 |
60h |
Dissertation Seminars on Mathematical Education (Line II) – M |
4 |
60h |
Analysis and production of articles in Science Education and Mathematical Education (Lines I e II) – D |
4 |
60h |
Thesis Seminars on Science Education (Line I) – D |
4 |
60h |
Thesis Seminars on Mathematical Education (Line II) – D |
4 |
60h |
Elaboration and approval of the dissertation (Lines I e II) – M |
20 |
300h |
Elaboration and approval of the thesis (Lines I e II) – D |
30 |
450h |
*Plano de Ensino
Analysis and production of articles in Science Education and Mathematical Education (Doctorate)
Historical, epistemological and sociological aspect of science knowledge: contributions to science teaching (Master and Doctorate).
Fundamental Didactics of Mathematics (Master and Doctorate)
Epistemology of Science Education (Master and Doctorate)
Epistemology of Mathematical Education (Master and Doctorate)
Mathematics Modeling in Mathematical Education (Master and Doctorate)
Research in Science Education and Mathematical Education (Master and Doctorate)
Knowledge theory (Master and Doctorate)
Epistemology of Science Education - profa. Dra. Rosana Franzen Leite
Dissertation Serminars on Science Education - Dulce e Vilmar
Thesis Seminars on Science Education - Dulce e Vilmar
- Informatics Directorate (IDR, Rectory Building):
IDR is located in the Rectory (Annex to the Campus) and its main objective is to organize physical spaces and, through the forwarding of federal and state projects, to provide all the necessary support for the institution's master's and doctorate courses. IDR provides for these course a room with 20 computers, with multimedia and internet access. In addition to this room, there is a room in the Retory and another in the campus of Cascavel equipped for video conferences and tele-classes (access via internet through the IP/TV System)
- Institutional Program of Action Relatives to People with Special Needs (PEE):
The PEE was instituted in 1997, aiming to supporting the entry and permanence of this social segment in UNIOESTE's undergraduate and graduate courses. The PEE has been advancing the inclusion process at the institutional level, guaranteeing special stands and study conditions for the blind (with computers with the Dosvox system), for the deaf (with the guarantee of LIBRAS interpreters) and for the physically handicapped (architectural adaptations) . To assist academics at the university, the Program produces adapted teaching material, guarantees a LIBRAS interpreter in the classroom and has consolidated itself through participation in discussions with other entities representing people with disabilities and universities. The work developed by the PEE, articulated with other sectors of the institution, has been assisting several people, including undergraduate and graduate students from different courses.
The Cascavel campus has 160 computers, distributed in 8 laboratories collective use, of wich seven laboratories equipped with desktops and a laboratory with notebooks.
The minimum configuration of the machines is as follows:
I3 processors, 4 Giga memory RAM, 19 and 21 inch monitors; 320 to 500 GB hard drives (HDs). All with internet via network cable, in addition to the wireless network available throughout the campus.
Library connected to the world wide web?
Unrestricted access to CAPES journals:
- Number of computers:
5 (five) computers for consultation of collection access.
The Central Library of UNIOESTE, located on the campus of Cascavel, is the main source of access to bibliographic materials for teachers and students of the Program. It has a total of 40.656 titles and 39.293 copies (books, thisis, dissertations, TCCs, monograophs, annal of events, leaflets, CDs and DVDs); 4.229 national and foreign periodical titles (59.215 copies). The collection comprises all areas of knowledge to meet the various courses offered by the university. The works are acquired through purchase, exchange and donation.
Titles 40.656 - Total issues: 69.293
By area (CAPES) Number of titles /Number of copies
Human Sciences 12.078 /22.393
Social Sciences 10.322 /19.074
Health Sciences 4.839 /9.075
Agricultural Sciences 1.280 /2.144
Exact Sciences 3.482 /6.023
Biological Sciences 944 /1.765
Engineering 1.396 /2.690
Linguistics, Letters and Arts 7.210 10.256
Source: Pergamun System, 03/28/2018
The Central Library occupies an area of 4.267 m2, distributed on two floors, in its own building. For the development of works performed in the library and better service to users, we use the Pergamum software, which provides treatment and organization of the collection. For the academic community, the services are provided with individual and collective reading rooms; allows the loan, renovation and reservation of materials and consultation of monographs, dissertations, theses, newspapers, magazines, encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries; it has an Inter librarian lending service (other Unioeste campus have their own, smaller libraries); video rental service and video room; restaurant and bookbinding service; access to Comut, CAPES Portal and other online databases; technical services; practical laboratory for storytellers and children's literature and area for holding events. It also offers guidance on the rules for academic work, preparation of catalogs and serves the academic community and the external community.
In addition to binders of title, author and subject, there are computer terminals in the Library to consult the collection through the Apolo program. Since 2008, the Library Portal has made it possible to consult the collection through the internet. This project is coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), which seeks to integrate the existing Thesis and Dissertation information systems in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and encourage the registration and publication of Theses and Dissertations in electronic means. Through the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI), a broad project was elaborated and started in 2008 with the implantation of the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, with the participation of all University Libraries of State Higher Education Institutions of the State of Paraná. The Digital Library has been facilitating access to scientific and technological production, favoring the flow of information and socialization of productions in the academic environment.
The Central Library collection available to serve the PPGECEM is as follows, by fields of knowledge:
In addition to binders of title, author and subject, there are computer terminals in the Library to consult the collection through the Apolo program. Since 2008, the Library Portal makes it possible to consult the collection through the internet. This project is coordinated by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (IBICT), which aims to integrate the existing Thesis and Dissertation information systems in Brazilian Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and encourage the registration and publication of Theses and Dissertations in the middle electronic. Through the State Secretariat for Science, Technology and Higher Education (SETI), a large project started in 2008 with the implantation of the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations, with the participation of all University Libraries of Higher Education Institutions in the State of Paraná. The Digital Library has facilitated access to scientific and technological production, favoring the flow of information and the socialization of productions in the academic environment.
The collection of the Central Library available to attend the PPGECEM is the following, by areas of knowledge:
BOOKS: Exemplary Titles
Education 6,538 11,418
Economy 3,141 9,078
Philosophy 1,202 1,846
History 1,463 2,646
Mathematics 443 1,125
Policy 855 1,651
Sociology 1,877 3,790
Source: Pergamun System, 12/19/2018
Education 287 303
Economy 74 81
Philosophy 1 1
Story 5 5
Policy 4 4
Sociology 28 39
Source: Pergamun System, 03/28/2018
Education 342 2,515 indexed articles: 10,712
Economy 288 4,143 indexed articles: 4,850
Philosophy 40 191 indexed articles: 1,272
History 57,446 indexed articles: 1,695
Policy 54 363 indexed articles: 636
Sociology 88 842 indexed articles: 1,986
Multidisciplinary 411 6,898 indexed articles: 20,602
Source: Pergamun System, 12/19/2018
Sector libraries and study groups
The professors who make up the proposal have or share rooms with teaching and research infrastructure, and can add several advisors and joint projects. As the infrastructure is geared towards research, the permanence of advisors and study groups, it will be able to reasonably welcome the new master's and doctorate students, also with the possibility of expansion. In addition, it is a space for other colleagues to stay.
Professors Dulce Maria Strieder, Fernanda Aparecida Meglhioratti, Lourdes Aparecida Della Justina, Rosana Franzen Leite, Tânia Stella Bassoi and Tiago Emanuel Klüber, own or coordinate rooms at the institution.
These rooms are able to simultaneously receive about 40 students. They make up the minimum infrastructure already in operation and under the coordination of teachers.
* Professor Dulce, coordinates a room with the following resources:
- Computers with Internet Access 8
- Tables and chairs (Work islands) 8
- Local Bibliographic Collection 540
- Textbooks 920
- Meeting room 1
- Meeting table 1
- Chairs 15
- Multifunctional Printer (Island) 1
- Laptop Computer 1
- MP4 recorders 2
- Digital Camera and Camcorder 1
* Professor Fernanda Aparecida Meglhioratti coordinates a room with the following resources:
- Study and Research Room 1
- Computers with Internet Access 6
- Desks and chairs 6
- Local Bibliographic Collection -
- Work tables 6
- Chairs 10
- Multifunctional Printer 1
* Professor Lourdes Aparecida Della Justina, coordinates a room with the following resources:
- Biology Teaching Laboratory 1
- Computers with Internet Access 3
- Desks and chairs 4
- Local Bibliographic Collection -
- Work tables 6
- Chairs 25
- Multifunctional Printer 1
* Professor Rosana Franzen Leite coordinates the Science Teaching Center of Toledo, NECTO, with the following resources:
- Steel cabinet 1
- Wooden bookcase with glass 1
- MDF cabinets 2
- Steel file 1
Fixed upholstered chairs 40
- Director chairs 15
- Computer tables 17
- Microcomputers 15
- monitors 15
- Oval meeting table 1
- Multimedia projectors 2
- Digital cameras 5
- Printers 4
- Office workstation 1
- COMQUÍMICA Laboratory - all items below are from the lab, which is part of NECTO
- School chairs 18
- Trapeze table school tables 18
- Round school tables 3
*Professor Tânia Stella Bassoi coordinates a room with the following resources:
- Mathematics Teaching Laboratory 1
- Computers with Internet Access 2
- Desks and chairs -
- Local Bibliographic Collection 150
- Textbooks 1300
- Games and manipulative materials for the teaching of industrialized mathematics 250
Worktables 8
- Chairs 32
Professor Tiago Emanuel Klüber, coordinates a room with the following resources:
- Research Group Permanence Room (underlines) 1
- Computers with Internet Access 3
- Tables and chairs (Work islands) 4
- Local Bibliographic Collection
- Meeting room 1
- Meeting table 1
- Chairs 8
- Multifunctional Printer (Island) 1
4.4 Administrative structure
The room in which the secretariat and the coordination of the program operate has been expanded by approximately 60%. This expansion made it possible to distinguish the secretariat room from the coordination room. A small pantry was also installed for the purpose of receiving guests, teachers and students.
In 2018, the coordination and secretariat of the program has:
- 3 micro-computers, with configurations updated to the demand of the job;
- 1 printer shared on a network;
- 1 reception room, with desk, meeting table and 13 chairs;
- 1 Coordination room, with desk and three chairs;
- 1 private bathroom for the secretary and coordination;
- 1 kitchen-furnished cup;