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Master and Doctorate in Energy Engineering in Agriculture

Master and Doctorate in Energy Engineering in Agriculture

Study Profile

The program's concentration area is AGROENERGIA, where technologies / processes are developed that allow the rational use of energy in agriculture and agroindustry, through techniques for save electricity in rural and agroindustrial constructions, saving diesel in mechanization processes through rational soil management, saving liquid and gaseous solid fuels used in agroindustrial processes for drying and processing agricultural products, developing technologies for the production of alternative fuels and generating electricity and heat from renewable energy sources.

The program has three lines of research (03): (1) Renewable sources and energy rationalization in agroindustry and agriculture; (2) Biomass and energy crops and; (3) Biofuels.


Renewable sources and energy rationalization in agroindustry and agriculture

To study different ways of renewable energy sources such as solar energy, hydroelectric, wind, fuel cells and other energy sources, aiming at the generation of electric energy and heat in the agroindustrial and agricultural sector. To evaluate and implement rationalization and conservation techniques and energy in agricultural and agroindustrial systems. Rational use of fuels in agricultural machinery operations. Study of environmental, social and economic impacts resulting from the use and implantation of renewable energy sources.


Biomass and energy crops

To develop technologies for the production and use of biomass for energy purposes. To apply techniques of correction, fertilization and soil management, as well as improvement of the physiological processes that control the energy crops development. In general, to improve the techniques and processes involved in implanting, harvesting and storing of energy crops products. Study of the environmental, economic and social impacts involved with the implementation of energy crops.



To generate knowledge on biomass and/or energy crops processing technologies for the production of biofuels and co-products. To develop techniques for quality control of biofuels. To assess the use of biofuels in agricultural machinery and engines. Study of the environmental and economic impacts involved in the processing and use of biofuels.

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