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Master's and Doctorate in Education

Master's and Doctorate in Education


Concentration Area
The concentration area Education encompasses research lines that have as a unit element the historical understanding of Education as a social phenomenon, which can take on school and non-school forms, and which should be analyzed from the process of formation and development of society and the various forms of constitution and manifestation of the State.

Research Lines

-  Education, Social Policies and the State

Syllabus: Articulates studies and researches aimed at understanding the different theoretical and practical dimensions of Education, from the analysis of the foundations, functions and/or actions of the State and civil society in the different fields of Social Policies.

 - History of Education

Syllabus: Articulates studies and research that address school and non-school education, the constitution and analysis of educational phenomena, from a historical perspective.

 - Teacher Training and Teaching and Learning Processes:

Syllabus: Training and performance of teachers in the different levels and modalities of Primary Education and Higher Education. Teaching and learning processes in the different areas of knowledge.


Created in 2006, the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE, in Portuguese), Master's level, of the Western Paraná State University, concentration area Society, State and Education, had its first group implemented in 2007 in only one Research Line: Education, Social Policies and State. By 2017, 11 classes had been offered, serving a total of 332 students, distributed from 2013 on four research lines: Education, Social Policies and the State, History of Education, Teacher Training and Teaching and Learning Processes, and Science and Mathematics Teaching. In 2017, 17 permanent professors and 06 collaborators were part of the Program. In 2016, following the policy of expansion of post-graduation at UNIOESTE, the Master's and Doctorate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics was approved in the Teaching area, with the first class being implemented in 2017. On this occasion, five PPGE teaching staff who were part of the research line Science and Mathematics Teaching and who were also part of the new course being implemented, opted to remain as collaborators in the line Science and Mathematics Teaching until the completion of the guidelines. Only two professors from the Science and Mathematics Teaching line remained in the PPGE in the permanent category. Given this fact, the PPGE Collegiate approved the incorporation of the professor Vilmar Malacarne, from the year 2018, in the Research line Teacher Training and Teaching and Learning Processes and decided that no vacancies would be offered for the selection process of regular students for entry in 2018 in this line, which would be extinguished after completion of the dissertations.

The PPGE is institutionally linked to the Center for Education, Communication and Arts (CECA), a sector that gathers in the field of Graduate Studies, in addition to the PPGE, the Graduate Program in Literature (PPGL, in Portuguese) - Masters and Doctorate, and the Professional Masters in Letters - PROFLETRAS. In the Bachelor's Degree, CECA offers the Licentiates in Letters and in Pedagogy (in two shifts - D/N). Within the scope of higher administration, the PPGE is articulated to the Deanship of Research and Graduate Studies, integrating the set of 50 (fifty) Graduate Programs, being 37 (thirty-seven) Programs with Master's degree (02 are professional master's degrees) and 13 (thirteen) Programs with a doctoral degree. Since 2012 the PPGE has been carrying out actions, activities and achieving projects in association with the PPGL. This partnership made possible, besides the approximation between the common Research Lines, the obtaining of financing that enabled the achievement of shared structures and equipment. These actions also brought the researches closer and made possible the construction of proposals which have as central concern the articulation with the Primary Education. In 2017, activities were also carried out in partnership with the Masters and Doctorate Program in Education in Science and Mathematics Education. In 2017 we started the activities of the eleventh class. Until the beginning of April 2018, 282 (two hundred and eighty-two) dissertation defenses were performed. The offer of vacancies in the last four years in order to respond to a need for qualification of the educational sectors of the West and Southwest region was thus constituted: for the year 2013, 35 vacancies were opened for regular students, for the year 2014, 45 vacancies were offered, for 2015, 52 vacancies were offered, for 2016, 46 vacancies were offered. In 2017, 37 vacancies were offered and in 2018, 41 vacancies were offered. This expansion results, among other aspects, from the curricular reorganization through the consolidation of the Research Lines, created from the second triennium, namely: History of Education; Teacher Training and Teaching and Learning Processes, and the Research Line Science and Mathematics Teaching created for the new students from the 2013 school year onwards. These lines cover in their research themes different dimensions of the concentration area Society, State and Education. The constitution of the Research Lines is the result of the reflections and dialogues of the research groups and of the research in progress and completed by the teachers. We have observed over the last four years that students and teachers of our PPGE have maintained their commitment to the Program, pursuing the goal of expanding and qualifying our production, in particular the publication of articles in journals A1, A2 and B1.

In addition, we have maintained the effort to deepen our contacts with national and foreign Graduate Programs, which can be evidenced in the description of national and international exchanges. We have also been concerned with the quality of the work produced by the masters' students. A path of permanent evaluation, carried out in meetings of the Collegiate and the Research Lines, has strengthened the central goal of the PPGE, which is to enable the training of professionals for scientific production and teaching in the field of Education, capable of producing theoretical and practical knowledge about the educational phenomenon in its relations with society and the State. We understand that improving the quality of education, at all levels of education, requires a consistent process of training professionals. In this sense, the offer of the Program bases the pedagogical experiences, from different fields of knowledge, revealing the concern with the educational phenomena, aiming at the development and production of research in the Education area. In addition to the offer of the Master's Degree, the themes studied by students and the research and publications produced by teachers also address this concern with the totality and complexity of the educational phenomenon.

The actions developed in the scope of the PPGE also find resonance in the permanent formation and improvement of Primary Education through the participation of our teaching staff in programs such as the PDE (Paraná Educational Development Program) and the PIBID, in addition to the offer of classes and conferences for teachers in the region of UNIOESTE's coverage. It is worth mentioning the committed performance of the research groups that are a part of the Program in terms of offering training courses and extension projects to teachers of Primary Education in Cascavel and the Region. These projects will be described in the item "social insertion". It is this training and social contribution that the PPGE at UNIOESTE has sought to make available for a potential demand of more than 30,000 teachers from the state and municipal public schools and 7,000 teachers linked to private schools, for the graduate courses stricto sensu. We reiterate that, at the institutional level, the impact generated by the Program is also direct on the licentiates offered by UNIOESTE's programs in its various campi, including them: Pedagogy, Literature, Mathematics, Physical Education, Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Nursing, Philosophy, History, Social Sciences and Geography. Each year, on average, four hundred new licensees are graduated, and as the Education Area encompasses the different graduates of these licentiates, the PPGE has been responding to this representative demand for training at the graduate level stricto sensu. As well as meeting this demand, it should be noted that the contribution to improving the quality of Primary Education can also be seen by the fact that our students, after graduating, mostly remain in the public education system, whether in early childhood education, primary education, secondary education or higher education, as well as in the private education system. Some graduates hold positions with the Regional Teaching Centers and Municipal Education Secretariats, as well as with social assistance networks, social, union, military and cultural institutions in the western and southwestern regions of Paraná.


The main goal of the PPGE is the training of qualified professionals for research and teaching in the field of Education, capable of producing theoretical and practical knowledge about the educational phenomenon in its relations with the Society and the State. Specific goals: In formal and curricular terms, the goal of the Master's Degree in Education is to award the Master's Degree in Education to graduates who meet the requirements established in the Program's Rules, among which stand out the compliance with the minimum number of credits in courses, research seminar and orientation activities, defense on time, sending/publishing at least one article in a qualified journal, submit to a qualification examination and public defense of the Dissertation. In addition to compliance with the procedural obligations, students are also expected to participate in Research Groups linked to the PPGE, the completion of group work in the disciplines, in writing and presentation of papers at academic events. In addition, students are encouraged to participate in the organization of events promoted by the PPGE, as well as in the offering of workshops and mini-courses offered by teachers.

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