Mestrado e Doutorado em Letras

Mestrado e Doutorado em Letras

Concentration Area


The Language and Society Concentration area is organized to promote in-depth theoretical reflections on the socio-historical understanding of the linguistic system, on the different meanings and valuations found in the language forms as well as the literary and artistic productions of a multifaceted culture, on their relations in the processes of formal, semi-formal and informal teaching-learning, and on the functioning of linguistic and cultural mechanisms that engender social identities in the complex interface between language and society.

Its focus lies on studies involving the multi-referential character of language, culture and literary production on Mercosur’s border, in Latin America and in the interfaces between history, memory and identities, as well as sociolinguistically complex issues in their cultural, linguistic, literary, socio-historical-political, ideological and educational aspects.


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