Mestrado e Doutorado em Letras

Mestrado e Doutorado em Letras


Goals of the Program

1. Contribute to the elevation of the scientific and academic competence of the University and the State, of the local and regional community, from the socio-historical-economic and cultural characteristics themselves.

2. Meet the needs of verticalization of teaching and research in the region, as well as academic teacher training at the primary, secondary and university levels.

3. Increase cultural exchange, sustained in multiculturalism and multi-reference, preserving the interests of various ethnic groups, public institutions and social segments that contribute to the promotion of culture and the preservation of historical and social memory.

4. Participate in the development of strategies that enable the understanding of the historical identity of individuals located in spaces, territories, cultures, uncovered by scientific knowledge and social practices.

5. Provide the articulation between the degrees of university education (undergraduate, specialization lato sensu) the extension and graduate stricto sensu aiming at specific actions of a short and medium term that meet the improvement of the quality of teaching and educational practices.

6. Enable the use of the teaching potential of the institution in the articulation between the graduate projects stricto and lato sensu of the different Collegiate (multi-Campi) with the other projects of UNIOESTE.

7. To train professionals for the socio-historical understanding of the linguistic system, the different meanings and values found in the forms of language and literary and artistic production in a multifaceted culture, their relationships in the formal, semi-formal and informal processes of teaching-learning and the functioning of linguistic and cultural mechanisms that engender social identities in the complex language-society relationship.

Goals of the Masters and Doctoral Degrees in Letters - concentration area Language and Society

1. Promote deepening and theoretical reflection on problems that permeate the language and society relationship, with a view to solving problems in this regard and dissemination of results.

2. Encourage the creation of new areas and themes, taking into account the multi-referential linguistic character and the existing dynamics in its environment.

3. Stimulate studies related to culture and literary and artistic production in Latin America and interfaces with history, memory and identities.

4. To prepare researchers capable of answering current questions in socio-linguistically complex culture in its cultural, linguistic, literary, socio-historical-political, ideological and teaching aspects;

5. To train technically and scientifically qualified personnel for the exercise of professional activities of teaching and research in areas focused on the language and society relationship;

6. To train teachers for necessary reflections in a school environment situated in a border context, considering migration, ethnic, cultural and linguistic movements.

7. Stimulate studies related to culture and literary production in Latin America and interfaces with history, memory and identities.


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