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Mestrado em Economia

Mestrado em Economia

Study Profile

Lines of Research

The program focuses on Modern and Contemporary Philosophy and develops its activities in two lines of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy; Metaphysics and Knowledge. All curricular activities of the program, both of teachers and students, are linked to these lines of research.

Line of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy

Description: Research on “Ethics and Political Philosophy” investigates the modern and contemporary theoretical problems of power and politics, the origin of State, its purpose, legitimacy, and suppositions; the relationship of individuals and civil society with the State; the ethical principles that guide human action; the contemporary problems of subjectivity constitution, biopower, the technique and ethical practice perspective, justice, and state action. From this horizon, issues related to both state and law, as well as ethics and subjectivity are addressed.

Line of research: Metaphysics and Knowledge

Description: the line of research in “metaphysics and knowledge” investigates themes and problems concerning the articulation between the metaphysical and epistemological spheres, constructed/deconstructed throughout modernity and contemporaneity. Emphasizing the foundation, subject, causality, rationality and the Constitution of scientific knowledge; as well as other spheres (treated by different perspectives: phenomenological, hermeneutics, philosophy of language, philosophy of Science, etc.) established either as a reconsideration of the modern heritage or as a contribution or particular conceptual novelty of the contemporary period.

Research projects

  • Project Name: Power, Politics and Legitimacy in modern political thought
  • Line of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: the project aims to investigate the concepts of power, politics and legitimacy in the formulations they received in Renaissance political thought, in the theories of the modern political contract, and in the political philosophies of Hegel and Marx. Understanding the structural origin of political power and its legitimacy is a central issue for understanding the growing crisis of political power. The relationships and interlications between the pointed out themes will guide the investigations. Thus, the research aims to provide a broad understanding of modern political thought and strengthen institutional ties with researchers who develop similar themes in other educational and research institutions.
  • Participating Professors: José Luiz Ames; Jadir Antunes; Tarcílio Ciotta; Marta Rios Alves Nunes da Costa.
  • Coordinator: José Luiz Ames.
  • Project name: Ethical systems: fundamentals and criticism
  • Line of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: the project aims to investigate and philosophically discuss contemporary ethical issues, using modern and contemporary authors. Problems related to the understanding and substantiation of aspects and implications of contemporary ethics, its criticism and limits are addressed. Investigating to what extent traditional ethical guidelines contribute to the emergence of environmental, social and political problems and the prospect of overcoming their limits are the guiding threads of the project.
  • Participating Professors: José Luiz Ames; Rosalvo Schütz; Ester Maria Dreher Heuser; Tarcílio Ciotta; José Francisco de Assis Dias; Marciano Adílio Spica; Stefano Busellato.
  • Coordinator: Rosalvo Schütz.
  • Project name: Legitimacy references in contemporary politics
  • Line of research: Ethics and Political Philosophy
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: the project aims to investigate the main contemporary references of political legitimacy and to determine their limits and possible criticisms. To do so, it emphasizes the philosophical assumptions of the varied understandings of politics and their implications, reflecting on them, especially with authors linked to critical traditions.
  • Participating Professors: Rosalvo Schütz; Ester Maria Dreher Heuser; Jadir Antunes; Marciano Adílio Spica; José Francisco de Assis Dias; Marta Rios Alves Nunes da Costa.
  • Coordinator: Jadir Antunes.
  • Project name: The statute of rationality and its criticism
  • Line of research: Metaphysics and Knowledge
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: in the context of philosophical and scientifical development from the Modern Age, it can be considered that, since Descartes, the project of rationality—that is, the scope of what reason could know with certainty—was gradually reduced and limited, passing through Kant’s critical philosophy and reaching contemporaneity, in which we can identify, in a certain way, a “crisis of reason”. This research aims to investigate the ways of conceiving the action of reason in this historical period, especially the possibility of knowing reality and the capacity of construction or creation of models or structures of the world. We also intend to establish the relationship of this latter perspective with the critical formulations of reason statute and scope.
  • Participating Professors: César Augusto Battisti; Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr.; Luciano Carlos Uteich; Marcelo Amaral Penna-Forte.
  • Coordinator: Wilson Antônio Frezzatti Jr.
  • Project name: Phenomenology, Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Difference
  • Line of research: Metaphysics and Knowledge
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: in a programmatic resumption of the metaphysical tradition, the ongoing project redraws, in the panorama of contemporary philosophy, three key themes: the status of consciousness; the structure of language; and the notion of difference. In this context, we revisit the Cartesian heritage of the idea of “subjectivity”, evaluating its range and limits, focusing our reading on redirecting the transcendental problematics, under the most diverse perspectives. Issues such as the world genesis, language, body, intersubjectivity, temporality, freedom and the ultimate sense of experience appear, in this incursion, as decisive themes that project a radical ontological debate, beyond the limits of the theory of knowledge. It is in this broader scenario that phenomenology, philosophy of language, philosophy of difference play a major role in the task of deconstructing the classical model of metaphysical substantiation, based on the subject/object binary scheme.
  • Participating professors: Roberto Saraiva Kahlmeyer-Mertens; Claudinei Aparecido De Freitas da Silva; Libanio Cardoso Neto.
  • Coordinator: Roberto Saraiva Kahlmeyer Mertens.1-Project Name: Philosophical foundations of Psychology
  • Line of research: Metaphysics and Knowledge
  • Start date: Jan/01/2015.
  • Project description: the project aims to critically reconstruct the conceptual circumscription of subjectivity in the context of psychology and cognitive sciences, through the metaphysical assumptions that support them. Thus, the criticism of the concepts that guide the different modern psychological theories—such as Rationalism and empiricism and, in contemporaneity, behaviorism, psychoanalysis, Gestalttheorie, Piagetian genetic epistemology or Daseinanalyse—accentuates the relevance of such investigation. In this direction, the research follows the genesis process and development of such currents within the contemporary philosophical debate, also highlighting their contribution in the context of an interdisciplinary dialogue. This previous work on the foundations of Psychology also allows us to assess to what extent the crucial epistemological questions—that are simultaneously placed in such an investigative domain—do not emerge from a more demanding and radical philosophical criticism.
  • Participating Professors: Roberto Saraiva Kahlmeyer-Mertens; César Augusto Battisti; Claudinei Aparecido De Freitas da Silva; Wilson Antonio Frezzatti Jr.; Luciano Carlos Uteich; Marcelo Amaral Penna-Forte; Libanio Cardoso Neto.
  • Coordinator: Claudinei Aparecido De Freitas da Silva.

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